Featured Sets for May

Here are the folks lined up to perform featured sets at our upcoming in-person and online events in May:

May 1st at the Friends’ Meeting House

Marcus Hermary is a relatively new member of the VFSS, but has had a lifelong passion for music. His singing is accompanied by his banjo or guitar.

Barb Shaw a.k.a. Random Old Lady — With over 50 years of musical experience, Random Old Lady’s songs are steeped in Americana influences of folk, jazz, blues and rock. She plays them in her personal percussive guitar style. Barb is a prolific song-writer in many genres and has a talent for creating custom songs to help bring communities together around a common cause. She has been a choir director, songleader, performer, and guitar teacher for many years & welcomes your connections and comments. Check it out:

Craig Williams— Whether with CW Bluesbox or the Jook Joint Jokers, Craig is well-known for his soulful interpretations of the country blues of the 1920s-1940s, as well as authentic originals. Let the blues make you smile.

Songtree — Earle Peach and Barbara Jackson make up the roots and branches of Songtree. With varied instrumentation and unique harmonies, they choose their repertoire from across the centuries.

May 15th at the Friends’ Meeting House & live-streamed to Zoom

Hugh Barr — Hugh has strong roots in both Ireland and Scotland, and his music draws upon this deep and generous tradition. He has been a longtime member of the VFSS, first joining in 1970. Let Hugh take you on a journey to the Isles!

Leona Axbey and Stoo Born are long time musical friends who first met at the VFSS many moons ago, where Stoo agreed to mentor Leona until she could fly on her own. Still occasionally playing together, goofing around, singing mellow, sometimes whimsical or heartfelt songs. 

Lucien started his musical journey at age 18. His musical discipline soon grew into a passion as he was inspired by various folk artists, and is now often found busking throughout Vancouver. Lucien is continuing to grow his skills and meet other musicians through gigs and open mic’s.

Michael Pratt & Lynn McGown bring a wonderful sense of fun and passion wherever they go. The harmonic blend of their voices is truly compelling, with lively accompaniment by fiddle, guitar and percussion. They love it when people sing along on the choruses. Don’t miss these long-time VFSS members!

May 29th on Zoom

Dawn Berg — Our Zoom buddy from Anchorage, Alaska, Dawn, will do a short feature for us. One of many new friends we made on Zoom during the pandemic. There were some silver linings during that time.  One was hearing Dawn belt out a shanty, folk song, or Celtic ditty.

If you are interested in doing a 15-minute set at the Meeting House, please contact our Features Coordinator or sign-up at the desk at any of our in-person events.